For quite some I was baffled by the fact that, when a person of some sort of importance dies, they suddenly become The Late-so and in The Late Ronald Regan or The Late Boris Yeltsin. I never understood why this post-death title was... until today. See, I was closing in on hour five of my morning marinara bath, you know, when the subconscious and unconscious begin to work some honest-to-god magic and sort out Earth's complicated mysteries...anyway, just like that, the answer came to me. I totally understand why those who die become The Late-so and so.
I thought "Hey, if I were dead, I'd be late for a lot of things too"
I mean, I can't imagine how much time it would take to break through that casket lid...not to mention digging through almost five feet of dirt. With corpse hand, no less. Forget about it.
And knowing my dedication to completing goals...
Really Late Billy Nord
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