According to a new report from paleontologists, two
molars that are over 60,000 years old show that Neanderthals
may have used objects to clean their teeth. After the
discovery, researchers returned the X-rays to Larry King's
dentist as promised.
The Academy of Television, Arts and Sciences said
that Kathy Griffin's use of the "c-word" during a
speech at the creative arts Emmys last weekend would
be edited out when it's broadcast on E! The offending
"c-word" occurred when she referred to herself as
Last week, a repossession crew in Illinois was
caught off guard when a young boy leaped out of a
sports utility vehicle they were towing away. Said a
surprised crew member, "I didn't even know the vehicle
was pregnant."
An artist in Boston is attempting to bring back
smell-o-vision with screenings of Willy Wonka and the
Chocolate Factory. During the film, she'll create the
aromas of blueberry pie, banana taffy and even more
impressive, dwarf exploitation.
A new rule in New York City requires fast-food restaurants to post
calorie counts on their menus. As a result, McDonald's
has removed their current menu and replaced it with an
electronic ticker.
China signed an agreement Tuesday to prohibit the
use of lead paint on toys exported to the United
States. This is great news for Classic Rock stations
across America whose growing demand to "Get The Led
Out" is finally seeing results.
A town council in Germany has decided that the best
way to improve road safety is to remove all traffic
lights and stop signs downtown. That's right, you can
watch wacky decisions like this made all fall on the
new CBS show, Kid Nation: Germany
The Russian military has successfully tested what
it's described as the world's most powerful
non-nuclear, air-delivered bomb. In a related story,
Starbucks opened its first shop in Russia last
It was announced that Jennifer Hudson will star in
the upcoming Sex and the City movie. She'll portray
the doctor who informs each character they have
In an effort to get people to stop smoking in
China, a new rule requires cigarette packs to have
blackened teeth and diseased lungs printed on them.
For the benefit of vision-impaired smokers, the
cigarettes themselves will be replaced by actual blackened
teeth and diseased lungs.
Kanye West has stated he was upset because MTV did
not ask him to open the Video Music Awards. Also upset
for not being asked to take part in the show’s open:
Britney Spears’ sobriety.
Paris Hilton is suing a greeting card company for
using her likeness and "That's Hot" phrase without
permission. Also involved in a lawsuit, the words
"that's" and "hot" for being associated with the
likeness of Paris Hilton.
It was announced that Japan's Ochi Yosuke won the
Air Guitar World Championship for the second
consecutive year. Unfortunately, his title was taken
away after he tested positive for air steroids.
It was reported that the New England Patriots may
be punished for breaking league rules by video taping
defensive signals on the opposing team's sideline
during last Sunday's game. A spokesman for the NFL
said they haven't seen something this low-down since
catching a glimpse of Janet Jackson's nipple.
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